Monday, August 01, 2005

Direction and happyness

I am very envious at people who seem to have a strong direction.
I have always been so confused about all the alternatives and different point of views that I have trouble staying at one thing and not jump further to try the next one.
I guess I have whished to meet somebody that was more stable, but who neede a littel more jumping aroundness and excitement in their life so we could help eachother out, ha ha!
I guess I will have to do the work myself, damnit, ha ha ha!
It`s alwasys a littel sour with self realisation and work, because then you can never takee the easy way out.
Goodnight to all of the world.
I whish I could ligt 1000000000 candles and let it shine on you all.
I whish I could spread happyness and smiles everywhere!
..and I also whish I could fly
Over and out!


  1. I have the opposite problem. Perhaps your twin lives over here....

    Anyway, sleep well.

  2. Stable or radioactive, this is the question...

  3. You do?
    In what way?
    How is the opposite for you then?

  4. I tend to be reserved and protective of my self with people. I'm also the practical one among my friends. My feet are planted firmly on the ground, at least outwardly. My problem is that I need to let go more often.

    As you see, we have opposite problems.

  5. Then I am sure we could learn eachother a lot of things.

    I am nearly soaring, and really need to pull myself a littel more down to the ground - but it`s really difficult for me.

    It doesnt come natural at all.
    I am a horribel dreamer, and very unrealistic and idealistick at times.
    And practical shores makes me skin crawl.

  6. So I'll keep you from floating away and you can give me some levity.

  7. Oh, the picture is don`t see it? Hmm, strange. Nice pic btw :)

    Oh, yes, it`s difficult, but I try to do my best at it too.
    But sometimes it feels like fighting myself, which can be a hard battle.
