Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The two sides of beauty and some library books

Ahhhh...Yet an other wonderfull day in this wondefull world.
People who read this blog must think I am schizofrenic, and sometimes I must say I am wondering the same too, ha ha.

Well, the world sure is a geat place, there`s no quetion about that. It`s just that sometimes looking at the world can be a littel upsetting. But its surely filled with light and darkness, somethng that makes it beautifull.
I don`t know why but I have alwasy been very drawn to the darkness in it too. Even through "simple" expressions like clotes and paintingstyle.

To me its somethig so extremely beautifull in the total darkness, one of the reasons is that the light shines on its brightest there.
Imagine a cold cellar deep under the ground. How much value wouldn`t a small beam of warm bright light through a crack haeve to a person down there? And how beautifull wouldnt that beam sparkle in front of his eyes? How clear it woould be..... he would NEVER take it for granted!

What would the light EVER be without the darkness? It would be non-exsistant...Light wouldnt be light anymore, it would just be something that was always there, withouht its opposite to set its value. So I dont praise the light more than the darkness, in balance they are both truly beautifull and make this world complete.

I alwasy get extremely attracted to the persons who has understood this and that has a balance of this in their personality....well, amongst other things.....

But today my mind is more occupied with the small beautifull things in the world actually.
Outside the window I am sitting now is a tree that has a wonderfull pattern of moss in greenish-blue patterns on it. It makes me smile :)

....and today I am going to the library and I am looking forward to it like a littel kid...yeeey. Going to rent some books about chaos theory (something I have thougth about for a really long time) how to make viking jewelry, metaphysics and some comix and DVDs and probably soemthng else I grab from the shelfs by accident.

Then I am just going to sit silently, watch the rain and make yewelry in celitc patterns all alone...a wondefull. calming thought.
I am in the introverted mood and it suits me very well. No passionate outbursts today, ha ha.

I wish you all a beautifull day and dont forget to see the littel things that can make you smile.

Lots of hugs to all

1 comment:

  1. I sure will honey. I am also going to rent the Keiresy book you read to me from. Hugs n`kisses
