Thursday, July 28, 2005

The doublestandards of life and war

We meet double standards everywhere in both life and society.
Sometimes its just natural I think...its part of human nature to be contradictive.
Sometimes it`s just really frustrating, and other times it just seems evil.
Personally I think the worst cases ara in war...

Something to make us think about our current worl-situation? :
Story tells that Alexander the Great once caught a notoruous pirate captain and when upholding him he asks the pirate, "How dare you molest the sea?"
The pirate turns to Alexander the Great and says, "How dare you molest the whole world? I have a small boat, so I am called a thief and a pirate.
You have a navy, so you're called an emperor."


"Kill one and you are a murderer, Kill many and you are a conquerer, Kill them all and you are a God..."


"There are many terrorist states in the world, but the United States is unusual in that it is officially committed to international terrorism."

– Noam Chomsky


  1. The rules that apply to the "Emperor" and his court are unique in two ways. First their terrorist activity doesn't "count". And second all hits against them are considered with absolute seriousness that can even lead to pre-emptive strikes to prevent such things to happen anymore. (This is Chomsky's idea from 1986 that we all know is quite true todey). It "they" even dare to retaliate in any way that will be responded with absolute fury. The terrorist activity by Emperor and his court are so insignificat that they are not worth reporting or atleast not worth remembering.
    Era is Cold War. Libyans (allies of the Soviet) would attack with East German missiles against USA ships in harbor of Haifa, Israel. You can guess what the reaction would have been.
    Example from real life: June 5th 1986 South-Africans attack with Israelian missiles against Soviet ships.
    But Soviets were in bad situation at this point of Cold War and they couldn't retaliate. The USA and Israel would probably have done major strikes to allies of Soviets or even considered nuclear strike as resonable retaliation.
    Oh yes... and the strike wasn't even mentioned in American press :)

  2. Thank you for you comment :)
    I must say I have enjoyed our political chats a lot.
    Hope to talk to you soon again


  3. I have enjoyed too, thank you very much :)

    It has helped me to get past my frustration on behavior of sertain countries
    and I have started to study this stuff again

  4. Ahh, wow, that is awesome!
    We will have to continue then
