Sunday, July 17, 2005

Some thoughts in the middle of the night

It is strange how we see personlity as something fixed and static in our lives. It`s highly flexible. I think this thought have made me confused many times, because it has made me want so much to grasp who I am. And in some moments it`s like you can really feel it, you get deeper glimpses or insights of a sort. Almost like a cernel (is that the word? kjerne in norwegain) that is the truth of you. Maybe there really si such a thing? A constnt deep inside that never changes?
Something like the Jungian self? Or maybe I have missunderstood that term (Note : gotta read Jung over again, it`s been many years)

I read somewhere sombody claiming that chnge is the ONLY constant. Hmmmm, it sure is an interesting thought.
I don`t know.
It`s hard when you start to see all the relatives. Like the old philosophers like Hume. When we start to even question our senses, the world and its realities start to crumble up. Yeah, like they said, "If a tree falls in the forrest and nobody is to hear it, does it really make a sound?"
I go between having thoughts of the world as something highly materialistic .... illutions created of our mind.
I guess the best answer would be something in between.

But thrugh history we see these thougths again and again. Like in Buddhism : Maya, the big vail of illusions that is the sensing world, that keeps us from seeing the real.

Hmm, I am in one of those thinking too much moods now I guess. And also using a lot of silly references, why have I done that? It`s like saying : my thoughts gets more interesting if I have Hume to back me up! HA, ha, kinda pathetick.

No, I guess thats not why I mention it, but sometimes it`s just when you ahve had all these thougths, and you went to the library and searched in the book for the topic (Yes, before computers was so common) and find something there and they said the same things.
(Sometimes a littel dissapointing too, if you suddenly were in delution of having created a new theory, and guess what, of course some dude has written a whole bunch of stuff about it already, dammit, ha ha)

Well, no I drifted away from my point. It was nice, some sortof comfort in a way, it`s been a long time since I have done that....guess I hvae been giving more a shit about if somebody thought the same things. Or just knew that of course someone did. But the good thing about it I remember was, that they took it firther...yes, thast was awesome. To get an expansion on your thoughts....

Well, I think I am going out to look a litel at the stars now. damn, I sound like such a clisjee, it`s nearly cute.
Goonight everybody out there who never will read this. And goodnight to those of you who read it too.


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