Wednesday, July 27, 2005


...maybe I can just buy a wagon and a car / horse and start a life as a gypsy.....


  1. Sounds good. Where would you go? Continental Europe? North America? Australia? Bergen?

  2. Hmmmm...
    Not quite sure.
    I actually want a motorsycle when I think about it, but that would make it more difficult about lodging.
    but I am not sure if I am ready for this kind of life....feel it could be very lonely maybe, and I am an extremely social person.

  3. If you go to San Fransico, you can be a somewhat stationary gypsy, with LA, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, and the Rockies all fairly close. Then again, you're close to a lot in Spain, too.

    Then again, it sounds like your imagination takes you all over.

  4. Hmmm...maybe it does....
    That is the "mantra" my mother has to me...that I need to get down on the ground cause I am just too much into my own fantasyworld.

    But I am actually serious when I say that I would like to live as a gypsy...but I am also a little scared to make it real.

    And when I say a thingy I find on the groun is from a spaceship I must admit I belive in it somewhat too, but that´s an other story...

    The hard part is maybe how to survive and the being a lot alone part too.
    I don´t mind being alone a lot, but nearly all the freaking time?

  5. Maybe San Fran or Spain would be good. You'd know people where you are based out of but can jump around easily.

    Can't help much on the monetary thing. I only bounced around for five weeks and had enough in the bank to cover it.

    Photography school could open doors and allow some travel, perhaps with an interesting art student of your choice.

  6. You need a source of independant wealth in order to manage it - but the lottery tends to be a bit of a fickle mistress. Either that or a backer *See 10 Things I Hate About You for relevant details. :)

    Perhaps you could experiment with the lifestyle choice by just taking a long vacation - however long your bank account really allows - and instead of booking your hotel rooms you can just do the backpack across Europe thing. Or America if you want to come and play in our playground. :)


  7. It's going to be a tough life...

  8. I'd be more than happy to live the gypsy life with you.
    I've been trying to convince others to join me in the quest for some time now.
    You can dance, and lure children away from their parents. I can steal and mend pots.
    A beautiful life, truly.

  9. i love u!! marry me please!!

  10. If you drop the please
    ;) He he...
    I don´t like a guy who is begging (Unless I have told him to do so, MUHAHAHAH!)
    I am not the marrying kind, but if you ask in a strange way maybe I will say yes , he he!

  11. well. Lets do it then honey?
    What do you say?
    Wink, wink

  12. hmmm, well, I do have some money....
    ..and I managed to live in the Caribean for 7 months just goofing around.....
    and some more hmmmm.....

  13. I'd rather go for a boat. Just fancy that! Drinking black tea as you watch the sun setting... amidst the ocean, away from everyone and everything.


    I guess secretly I wish to live in isolation hehe

  14. Hmmmm, I was actually looking at boats once with a friend of mine, we were going to move into one but she backed out of it.
    I think it´s a brilliant idea.

  15. Now come on kids. If you're going to try and talk the lady into running away with you to some gypsy paradise, at least sign your anonymous comments! Otherwise she may run away with the wrong person, and we wouldn't want that, now would we?


  16. Ha, ha , ha!
    I thought it was you honey....
    Damn it.
    Who did I almost agree to marry then.

  17. i thinks it would be nice to shrink yourself to fit in a nutshell and float away , offshore...with Calvin and Hobbes..It would be fun to say "this is me, in a nutshell", and be literally right !

    Just a thought...Besides, anything that includes Calvin and Hobbes cand end up being fun, anyway...

  18. He, he!
    you are totally right about that honey and welcome to my blog.
    I am glad you took a look :D

    But if I could shrink myself to pocketsize I think I would have a lot on my scedual besides that too.

    And if I actually could meet Calvin and Hobbes..damn, I think I would just stay with them in a forrest somewhere - playing Calvinball for the rest of my life ha ha ha!

    Ps: Hope to see you in norway soon

  19. Oh, I'm definitely going, no matter how many Vogons it takes, hehehe

    Not more than 42, anyway.

    Oh, and go to Gotland! Yeiiiii!

  20. Oh sigh!
    Oh sigh!
    Oh huuuuge sighs!
    That is not fair
    *big tears*
    Mumbles obsessivly : "Gotta go Gotland...gotta go Gotland"

  21. Looks like a splendid place...

    ...where I'd be completely out of my element! ;-)

    Oh, and I don't know -- but I bet he's going to show up at your front door in a black suit one of these days! (Luckily you can leave a recording of you saying that you're painting your toe nails and just dive out the rear window -- he'll never notice...)


  22. Out of your element?
    Why is that?

    Ohhh, a black suit, that actually sounds very, very nice (and sexy)...
    ...but I hope I haven`t gotten myself a stalker, ha, ha!


  23. I'd say that "You just don't know how much I've kinda wanted to just get away from everything and wander" but it sounds like that you do :)

    Seriously though, I definitely identify with that desire. The last few months I've really been in "self/soul searching" mode and that desire to just get away from the life I know now in favor of something... adventurous I suppose is the right word... that desire has been a constant.

    "and I managed to live in the Caribean for 7 months just goofing around"

    Haha, I just find that incredible! I have yet to visit anywhere else really... I've been to most of the Southern US states, New Mexico actually being the most "foreign" as it were of all of the places I've ever been. I really admire someone who has managed to do some of the things you've done and visit some of the places you've seen. I hope and have some measure of confidence that perhaps one day I will be able to travel like that and see at least some of these amazing places. I actually had a dream last night that I was flying to Japan just thinking the whole time "Wow, am I actually doing this?"

    The life of a wanderer, or life on a boat... that really does sound like an adventure. If anyone manages to do it, it'll probably be you :p And hey, maybe if you find enough people with true enough of a desire to live that type of life for at least a little while, maybe it wouldn't be so lonely. Good luck :)

  24. Well...why dont you do it?
    What stops you?
    Is there a better time than now?
    Now is always the best time...tomorrow might not be possible ;)

    Yes, I have also lived in different places in Spain and Germany just goofing around, ha ha!
    I like that now and then.
    Maybe this is the time to do it again.
    I seem to have a lot of "gypsyblood" in my weins.

    The thing is I would really love some company this time.

    Though some of my best friends now are pople I have met while travelling.
