Wednesday, October 05, 2005


I get times when I feel like the loneliest little soul in a world full of people.
I get times when I feel like the world is complete and life has a wonderfull meening
I get times when people seem cruel and evil and I just want to hide.
I get times when I am scared, but I am never scared of fear itself
I get times when I just want to laugh because there is so much beauty - and laughter makes it even more beautiful

I demand nothing
I require nothing
There are no bonds or strings
I just keep my heart open
to what life let come my way
I just want to live it

I open myself to all of the wonders of life and try to make no value judgements on it.
Fear, love, rejection, laughter, play, thought, sadness, pain.
They all strengtens us in differnt ways, none or better than the other.
To accept life, is to embrace life.

There is a poem I really like by Andre Bjerke about this. I din´t find a translation, but if somebody are interested - just tell me and I will try to make one to you

Best whishes to all of you out there


Ikke som en cæsar gjorde,
skal du med et sverd bevæbne
deg mot verden, men med ordet;
Amor Fati - elsk din skjebne.

Denne formel skal du fatte
som din sterkeste befrier:
Du har valgt din sti i krattet.
Ikke skjel mot andre stier!

Også smerten er din tjener.
Lammet, sønderknust, elendig
ser du at den gjenforener
deg med det som er nødvendig.

Også fallet, også sviket
hjelper deg som dine venner.
Dine nederlag er rike
gaver, lagt i dine hender.

Engang skal du, tilfredsstillet
av å bli din skjebne verdig
vite: Dette har jeg villet.
Alt som skjer meg skjer rettferdig.

Si da, når din levegledes
grønne skog er gjennomvandret:
Intet vil jeg anderledes.
Intet ønsker jeg forandret.

~Andre Bjerke


  1. Welcome to the NF temperment. I know it well.

  2. Ha ha ha ha.
    Have you been reading Jung or taken the Briggs/Meyers test now...?
    It`s cool isn`t it?
    He, he, yeah, maybe its jus the the NF temperament showing?
    I always score ENFP, but the NF(Intuitive feeler)is actually both bordering to SI (Sensing thinker).
    My E is not very constant , as I also can be a bit of a loner (I) and I am working on getting more flexible on the P (trying to get some rutines at least, closing up on the J)
    Or was all I said now just gibbersh to you??

  3. Not at all. I found your blog over at OK Cupid and saw the ENFP part. I'm an INFJ and it was the first thing that ever seemed to explain me. I didn't feel so strange after that. I like the NF temperment (what a surprise), but it isn't considered very masculine. Then again, I don't care.

    Oh, even though your post wasn't gibberish, I'm well versed in it. I managed to decipher the screams of drunk Glaswegians for two months in the highlands of Scotland, so anything is understandable to me.

    So you see, this comment is what gibberish looks like.

  4. He, he.
    That`s good.
    Did you now that test is based on Jugian psychology?
    I find it to be very interesting and the test-score was highly accurate on my behalf....
    It felt like sombody really had read my insides and described it in words I would have used myself.

    I didn`t know the NF wasn`t looked at as very masculine.
    Personally I must say I am highly attracted to that kind of people (the intuitive feelers) and I mostly feel I connect better with them on a lot of levels. Also the groupcalled "the idealists".
    I`ve actually noticed that all of the people I talk to regulary that has taken the test, seem to be of the NF type,...
    So no matter conscious or unconscious I must be drawn to those kind of people.
    And personally - I guess I have other points of view about masculinity than society in general.
