Friday, March 31, 2006


I have been thinking a lot about the situation of the Catalans here in Barcelona lately. I want to write something about this really soon.

An other story is the situation of
the Basque separatist group ETA, which is very fascinating
ETA has announced a "permanent ceasefire", ending its armed campaign, after long negotiations with the government.

It is very upsetting to see how the world still surpresses, and how people are not allowed their own roots and freedom.
Imagine how Spain was during the dictatorship of Franco.
And there still are a lot of people in Spain supporting Francos ways!!!!

I think in a way some of the situations we find ourselves in
are shocking when counting the year 2006.
We should have a higher level of tolerance and acceptance.
To work on the behalf of the good for all, and not be driven by owning and power.
Respect other customs, kinds and religions, and let them live and be and have their own freedom.
But it seems I am an endless hippie, maybe requiring things that almost seem naive in today's seemingly rotten society.
And also being a blond girl in her 20s I might just be considered a brainless, naive bimbo saying this, but I dont give a damn:

A movement starts with one person! This can be you! Do your best for peace and freedom now!

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