Sunday, September 03, 2006


What are we humans really about?
I mean, we flip-flop around this world inventing thoughts to try to make our own existence valuable.
isn't our life when you see it from a larger picture a little paradoxal?
When I work in the kindergarten the kids shout to me all the time "look at me Aasa, look what I can do" Nooo! Look at me Aasa"
And I think.
Is that what we are all running around after?
When you start to take things apart that's just how it looks to me.
People strive to get famous? For what? To be seen and acknowledge by others?
We want to be beautiful...Why?
we want to learn skills...Why?
We want to be seen.
We want to matter.
we want to break through this huge empty space that shouts back to us that we are small and worthless.
isn't to really be seen and accepted to be loved?
But haven't we taken a wrong turn in the ways we try to get seen in today's western societies?
We run around and do the silliest things, and under it all its just so simple. Under it all is our small cries for being loved.

If you imagine yourself out in space, looking down on us, doesn't existence in itself nearly get a little ironic or cruel, in a funny way.
I mean, what can you say looking down on yourself sweating over that the last girl really didn't love you in the end?
Or that you got fired from your job?
When you see all these little ants buzzing about their troubles on this little planet in a universes that has one hundred and seventy-five billion galaxies. (And that is just the observable universe.)
What can you do?
I mean, in that way life looks like a little joke. And we look like huge jokes running around in despair searching for what we have just in front of us.

people tell me " I am sad"
And I answer "okay. That is good for you"
And then they say to me "What can I do? I don't want to feel like this?

For me bottom line is
But you do! And that's how it is now.
I don't feel like there are any answers we can find. I don't feel like there is any recipe we can follow. That is just our way of trying to control what is......

What else can we do but just live?

hugs to all of you
~ Aasa

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