Saturday, September 23, 2006

Going slightly mad?

Update: Great link if you ever have experienced something similar. Thanks to Caru!

So....It is very possible that I am going insane. Either that or I am a sleepwalker, psychic or have hallucinations - you take a pick.
Yesterday night I was in my bed ready to sleep. I was listening to an audio file of a book on my computer and had the headphones on. Then all of a sudden I hear an other voice - somebody talking directly to me next to my ear. I totally freak, but figure it came from the computer so I shut all the programs running down. Later I figure it maybe was a dream and I don't think that much more about it.
Until last night, when I am in bed again, not at home this time, and ready to sleep . Then again I hear somebody talking to me, and its the same voice. So now I get seriously scared. There is no audio file on and no computer, just me in the room. I open my eyes and look up into the room, and you cannot imagine what I saw. Four people standing there. They were kinda foggy, so not as we see people everyday, but there was definitely people there.
I allow you to judge me at this point and think I am a looney. I understand it, so did I....
Well, my first reaction is to get freakishly scared again, but what can I do? I just lay there in my bed staring at them. Just to be sure I double-check that I am awake,which I evidently am, and I just keep on staring. There is something about the entire thing, I cannot describe it, but after a while I am not scared anymore and its almost like I am getting used to it. And get this..After a little more time I fall asleep! I mean seriously, this shocks me too now, but hey....You think you have lost your mind and the livingroom is full of foggy-people, but you are quite calm about it so why not take a nap?
Pffft on me.
Well, Now I am ready to go to sleep again, and you can imagine how I feel about it.
I haven't even made up my mind what to think about all this.
But to believe my mother right, the specialist in clinical psychology, people who loose their mind do not tend to question it much, and I cannot say I have felt especially psychotic lately, ha ha.

So , we will see. If I end up being the "crazy artist" or not.
Whish me luck!?

~ Aasa

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