Monday, April 24, 2006

The flying spaghetti monster and Nino Nano

Tonight I went to see the movie "V for Vendetta" with the famous Japanese assassin Nino Nano (of course this was his first choise for movie :P), who started his bloody career by killing the family dog at the age of 7 by order from his granny (so he told me at least)
He threatened me that I could be a possible assasination-victim, because I get scolarship-money from the Norwegian government, but I think that was only a little small talk and trying to be polite in an assasin kinda way.

This morning he also sent me roses for my bat (Which is named "Nameless") from his own bat (named Dina). It seems like Nameless enjoyed it a lot.
With the roses were a note with something I can only understand as a riddle or a puzzle.
If anybody can crack it, please inform me.

The puzzle goes as follows:
What makes an ordinary day special?
1) A tasty cheese cake?
2) A brand new TFT monitor
3) Twelve red roses
4) A gin Tonic
5) The warmth of the flying spaghetti monster

PS: Everything in this post is a summary of real events

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