Sunday, July 09, 2006

I HAVE A DREAM.........

I want to go away, I want to run away.
I want to travel to exotic new places, where everything is fresh and exciting.
I have traveled so many times, but its never enough.
I want to be on the road, see the dust leave behind me. Explore, get thrilled, move, move, move.
I want to smell new scents, see things I don't know yet, stay awake under new skies, smell the salt of oceans I have never swam in.
This is my dream, this is how I want to live. I want to suck in life through my skin. See new faces, touch new sounds with my ears.
This has always been my dream.
My restless heart wants it more than ever now.
I am longing.

I also love to hear others peoples dreams. Its inspiring, its interesting. Its like diving into somebody else's mind. It would be lovely if somebody dared to tell me. To comment, to share a little of their secret with me, even if its anonymous or not.
It would be great.

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