Thursday, July 13, 2006


Gotland - Visby!

Anybody who wants to come with me?


  1. Gotland =~~~~ Why the hell I was born in the south hemisphere? =P

    Hahaha are you that interested on reading my blog, eh? =))

    Of course you can put a link to my pics! The link might point to here: - which is my photostream.

    And... oh my, I don't know what to say. I'm really glad to hear such comment from you! I really didn't expect such words for this work =P

    Thank you very much =******

  2.´s a wonderfull place...
    You should come with me on the mideval festival this year! ;)

    Oh, but I loved you photos...very much my style!
    It seems to me like you really have an eye for minimalistic, graphic beauty, both in shape and color - as I told you... I would like others who read my blog to see them as well.

    well, if you didn´t expect it, you are either modest or you just don´t apprechiate your work enough for what it really is. It sure deserves som bragging

    Lots of hugs
    Your friend

    PS: Of course I would like to read your blog. But it was a littel too much for me to try and stumble through the little portugese I understand.

  3. Oh, you should really come.
    The world is not that big after all

  4. Was it this you ment in your mail??? I was on my way to Gotland last week but couldnt go because bad economy:(
    I have start working when the medieval week starts but maybe next year.

    See ya soon in Oslo:)

  5. Oh really?
    Wow, that is a shame.
    Yes, it was this I ment, I know you are a Gotlandlover too ;)


    PS: Yes, see you tomorrow
