Monday, June 26, 2006


I am back in Norway and will be so for 3 months. Its lovely. I have also taken some cliche-photos here, like this one, just for the hell of it.

And I get a new relation to this country whenever I come back,. It seems to actually grow stronger the longer I am away from it. I guess its easier to idealize something when you don't have it. Or as Ibsen said "You don't know what you had until its gone"
I feel like I am finally discovering a feeling of belonging, or at least a feeling of having some roots, where there were none before. Its a great feeling. I don't think it will ever be totally "home". But at least I am not rootless, as I always felt it before.
Its good to be back. I seem to have underestimated a lovely country.
Lots of greetings to all of you out there

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