Thursday, March 03, 2011


( a re-post for new adult-children readers)

This story is not BASED on true incidents, it is (scarily enough) ALL true!
With the hand on my heart - I promise!

I was walking in the forest today and found a strange-looking wooden thing lying in the bushes (I usually snoop around a lot when I walk there)
It looked like it had some sort of on and off button on it.

I was walking together with a friend of mine, and at this point she had started to wonder why I disappeared into the bushes. So she came looking for me, asking what I was holding in my hand.
After stearing at it for quite a long time and examining it thoroughly, I managed to identify this fearsome object. And of course did not hesitate a moment to inform her, because I understood the true severity of the damned thing.

It was the on and off switch to the most dangerous and explosive bomb made in the entire universe (yes, a lot of bombs have an off-switch as well)
This bomb was made by the Vogons in a vicious plan to explode into pieces and wipe away earth for good. Luckily they had obviously lost the most important part, the on-button. And that is the only reason why we all are still alive today.
By her face I could tell she obviously had some doubts about my explanation.

She turned her back to me, persistent to walk on, showing a peculiar little interest in such an important matter.
But I couldn't walk further before I had found out what to do with the dangerous thing I was holding in my hands.
I stared at the switch very hard, trying to figure out if hard staring could help in any way.
After a while of staring it was pretty clear it didn´t help at all.
It dawned on me that I had to come up with an other solution than hard staring, but my mind was blank.
I wasn't sure if it was a good idea but I decided to search for advice. Sadly enough the only advicer around was my friend, who seemed to have a reckless relationship to bombs in general.

She advised me to throw it away, back into the bushes (and since it was of wood it wouldn't harm the nature anyway, she argued)
I thought about this opinion for a while and asked her if it wouldn´t be a little heedless to throw away such a thing....
What if the Vogons found it again - then we all probably would be...
pretty D-E-A-D
pretty F-A-S-T
Didn't she think it would be for the better if I brought it with me?
She said it would be okay to throw it away, and she also had quite a stern and convincing voice - I was just about to believe her.

I was nearly swept away by the environmental point she made, but still my doubts were clinging to me. So I asked her if she would take full responsibility if the Vogons found the on-switch to their eart destroying bomb and blew us all away
She said she would
She sounded so self assure I couldn´t doubt her for a moment. (Although I was shocked to observe that she even smiled while saying it)
I threw the botton back to where it had been, secretly admiring her bravery and somewhat impressive and shocking carelessness.

So now you all know
that if suddenly we all die in a huge explosion
I am not the one responsible for it


PS: I woke up in the middle of the night with an awfull thought
What if she was a disguised Vogon, sent out to trick me?



  1. Fricking Vogons, drop their dangerous litter all over the universe. Your friend was most wise though, I salute her.

  2. Hmmmm
    I must say both you and her are a littel dangerous to the human species ;)
    He he.
    Maybe you both are disguised Vogons trying to infiltrate us all and destroy us?

