Tuesday, December 17, 2019



I look into your eyes
I dive, deeply
I can travel here
I know these paths
I recognise them

I follow the road deeper
into you
where the forest is bushy and leaves tickle with dew
I can breath this air, I can smell these paths,
this moss on the ground is my home

I have been here
in my soul lies a memory of these hills
I know you - I know you
And yet I don't
you are new and old to me

I can travel in your eyes
I can get lost there in this forest, these woods
Hopelessly, pleasurably, wonderfully lost



I am born inbetween your thoughts and your
words everything you see has
a meaning what are you what are
you I scream A human?
haha, what a funny thought
Fool yourself with little illusions, names, words
Little sounds you make, but you are good
to have learned them aren't you?
I am born in between meanings
in between the lies you tell yourself
I can see and I can´t see you there
But always always always

Do you think I am crazy?

I am you

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