Saturday, January 01, 2011


- A repost

So, I have started a process of detoxing my entire body. The aim is better general health and more energy. I have also noticed that my thoughts and feeling actually also turn clearer through this process, which has just been a surprising bonus for me. Also, I am enjoying a lot being creative with making these new types of recipes and dishes. If anybody request it, I might put out some here in my blog.
Here I will write some of the things I am doing, as a tip to others who might want to do the same, but don't have time to find all the information. Hope it will be helpful. And remember, you don't have to do this for the rest of your life.Try it out and see if it changes the way you feel in any way. It can also be good to just do it as a 3 month diet, to get some of the toxins of your body flushed out. Good luck ;-)!

First of all, exclude the most evident health dangers from your diet.
These are changes anyone can do that doesn't take much effort:
- White sugar. Switch to brown sugar (or even better, stevia if you can find it) and keep the intake low. Be aware of the continents of sugar in the things you eat/drink. Take a look at this website, it is a good indicator (and a bit shocking)
- Normal salt. Buy sea salt or herb salt. And naturally, keep the intake low
- Avoid butter or margarine. They are very high on saturated fats , and are highly acidic. Buy or make ghee, which is non-acidic and a monounsaturated fat

If you want to take further steps for your health, keep in mind:
- Get information on the acidic / alkaline level in your body. A very common factor of disease and premature aging in the western society is a high acidic diet. Look at the chart on this page and compare it with what you normally eat. Keep in mind that the most acidic foods are: Table salt, sugar, yeast, fruits and fruit juices, coffee, normal butter or margarine, beer, wine, dairy products and animal products as beef, pork, chicken etc...
- Drink water. (Not too much, not to little)
- If you can, switch to organic food or look for bio food. A high percentage of foods are genetically manipulated/modified, sprayed with toxins and treated in other ways that will harm your health.
- Keep the intake of alcohol to a healthy degree.
- Drink green teas/ herbs for cleansing and detoxing. (thnx for the tip Henry)
- Drink vegetable juices (for detox), or green smoothies(recipes) instead of fruit juices
- Other

Extra tips for more energy:
- Throw away body care product that contain many toxins. Try to find the simplest and more natural ones. Don`t over use these products. They should only be a supplement to aid your body, not the thing that makes it run.
- Cut gluten from your diet (or at least do a test to check if you react to gluten)
- Cut dairy products:(Coconut milk is a very fine substitute) Cutting milk may also be good for your skin. Read here why.

To exclude dairy products from your diet will increase energy and stamina. You can supplement milk with soy products or coconut milk (for cooking)
If this is too difficult for you, try out:

Vegetarians live about seven years longer, and vegans (who eat no animal products) about 15 years longer than meat eaters, according to a study from Loma Linda University. These findings are backed up by the China Health Project (the largest population study on diet and health to date), which found that Chinese people who eat the least amount of fat and animal products have the lowest risks of cancer, heart attack and other chronic degenerative diseases.
Animal products are the major sources of dietary saturated fat. Vegetarianism is therefore also a very good way to keep a balanced weight and body fat, to stay fit, and clean from heavy digestive foods which strain your metabolism.
I have been a vegetarian for 17 year. As a vegetarian you avoid a high acid factor in the foods, which are very beneficial. But this is not a total requirement for a healthy life style, if you feel that you cannot go through with it. But, if you want to try out the vegetarian diet, be sure to:
Get enough proteins, B12, iron and omega 3 fats. B12 is normally found in animal food, so you should consider supplements

22 Reasons to Go Vegetarian Right Now
The Health Benefits of Vegetarian Diet
Health Benefits of Vegetarian Diets

I will extend this list through time
Any links or tips? Feel free to post them under comments
and I will include them in the article
- Åsa


  1. It may be that this diet makes sense, but as a chemical engineer I can tell you that the acid/alkaline information is totally bogus. For the easiest example, table salt imparts neither acidity nor alkalinity.

    It may be that it is a good diet, but from a chemistry point of view, that information is not correct. So I scanned around the internet, and found lots of webpages that spout this pseudo-science, but none of them appear to be accurate.

  2. It is something that a lot of old "health directions" normally include, like Ayurveda and such. Ayurveda has a lot of principles when it comes to food and diet that are not traditionally maybe done reasearch by, but is seen a a whole.

    A healthy portion of skepticism is always good though, no matter how old traditions are and who says it, so thank you for the feedback.

    Well, yes, people that try this diet report improved health and more energy. that is good enough for me, lab-research or not
