Monday, February 05, 2007


I have started to sleepwalk again
I used to do this a lot fourteen years ago, but then it also stopped permanently after a few years.
My room-mates were sitting in the living room. The only thing I remember was a foggy sensation about it being very hard to walk and feeling dizzy. After that I woke up in the middle of the living room and my room mates were laughing
Obviously I had come in there and talked to them in Norwegian, looking like I was objecting strongly about some point
waving my arms and all.
The weird thing is that I didnt just do it one time, two hours later I did the exact same thing again.
I wonder why this is returning now and what it has to say for me
I once read that sleepwalkers are only 6% of the population. That they are easier to hyponotize. That they have a more open doorway to their subconcious psyche, than what is normal. And that they possably are in lack of a natural "drug" in the brain that paralizes your body when you are in the R.E.M sleep (Rapid Eye Movement)
it is a facinating and strange phenomena.
If somebody knows more about it, dont hesitate to comment

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