Monday, November 06, 2006


Spain is hard for us emotional people
I sit and wait for appointments, like to get a telephone installed - and nobody arrives, I wait for the 5th time, nobody comes. You have to get used to not take people seriously, which is hard. Its a lack of respect that I cant quite deal with.
I arrange for people to come and see my flat and 50% of them show up.
Maybe A very few of the rest send you a message saying they are sorry they didn't come, but the rest you never hear from, they just don't give a damn about it.
As I said, its a lack of respect. I guess it is like this all over the world, I have just been in more situations here where it happened.
People take the easy way out, they cheat on their taxes, they lie to loved ones, they don't get up for the old lady on the bus, they don't come on time or they don't come at all, in general, what they want and need is what matters and not other people.
And I really take it hard, I get pissed of and walk around in the streets cursing to myself so people think I am a loony
Well, well, what can I do? If I am more than 4 min late to something I send them a message and apologize and tell them I will soon be there.
I guess my way is a remains of thinking that used to be common in the 1800 century, ha ha!

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